Graceland, the cult album by Paul Simon, the white New York songwriter who set out to meet South Africa’s black stars, celebrated its 25ᵉ anniversary in 2011 and was reissued in 2012 with a lot of bonus tracks.
When I looked up Wendy Page, the lead singer of this band with a unique album (in every sense of the word), on Wikipedia, I learned that her voice has been compared to that of Kate Bush or Liz Fraser… Continue Reading →
I’m reviewing an album from a time when vinyl still reigned supreme over music. Not for much longer. But it remains one of the albums of my life.
I’m not a musician and I don’t play any instruments. But music is one of my loves. So I’m taking notes in these reviews.
Small as it is, past 25 years, Belgium has been able to boast a musical talent that unites passion and technique in music with a definite soul: Hooverphonic. Review of their first trip-hop album.
“It was such a joy to go to record shops,” claims a Nostalgia host on 15 March 2018 during a podcast by Brice Depasse paying tribute to the enthusiasts who pass on the passion for elpees and emotions on vinyl…. Continue Reading →
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